Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gender Roles in Today's Society

When I studied sociology, we learned about a woman named Margaret Mead. She was a cultural anthropologist. She was very well known for her book called "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies". In this book, she compared the gender roles from three different cultures in New Guinea. The first tribe was The Arapesh, and both men and women were peaceful, they didn't like conflict or anything hard and aggressive. The next tribe was the Mundugumor, they were the complete opposite. Both men and women were very aggressive, hard and had warlike tempers. The last tribe was completely opposite from them both. They were the Tchambuli. The men were the feminine ones, they gossiped, and was very much focused on their appearance. The women were masculine ones, not focused on beauty or gossip, just working hard to provide for their family. 

I know you're probably reading this like "what's good with this mini lecture?", lol but I promise you that I do have a point. I'm going to be real honest, what made me think about this specific topic was because some men that I know, don't know and heard about act like some bi**h a$$ dudes in the uno dos. For some reason, that topic made me think about what we learned in sociology. From there, I just thought about the similarities between the two. It was interesting to me because I never looked at it from this point of view before. 

I know that we're used to seeing the gender roles being male = masculine, the providers and the head of the household. Female = feminine, the ones that takes care of the family. But times has really changed. I'm not even talking about sexuality, but gender roles period. I know we all watched movies where the men saves the women. Now, it's looking like it's the women that saves the men lol. How I see it is that a man should be strong, not even physically but you know, they have that man thing going on lol. A woman should be delicate, have that soft touch that draws a man in. What man wants a female to be a "thug"?. None that I know of!

One thing that I observed over time is that a lot of men gossip. Let me type that again GOSSIP!!! Not ALL but some do, and I have to give them that -____- look. Oh trust and believe that it's not cute when women do it,but you expect that from them. When a man does it, for me it takes away from their manhood. Some are very focused on beauty and fashion. It's nothing at all wrong with that, you have to maintain yourself and when you look good, you feel amazing. BUT there is a BUT... If you take longer than me to get ready, we have some technical difficulties. I'm just saying though! 

A lot of men are domestic, being the house husband, as the women go to work and become the bread winners. That is so similar to the Tchambuli tribe. I kind of like this arrangement because it gives a chance for the females to have that life outside of being a mother/housewife. Also, it allows the men to spend more time with their children and have them create that bond that is rarely seen these days.

Don't think I forgot about the females, because I didn't. I'm getting to them right now. There are plenty of females that are so hard and aggressive that they walk around looking like pitt bulls. *Not saying they look like a dog, but they look so mean and angry like they are ready to fight anybody that breathes in their direction* Just relax your face ma and smile a little bit, it doesn't hurt. Maybe they think that is cute, I have no idea. 

Another thing that I see, is an increase in single parent households, forcing a woman to play a man's part. Meaning they have to possibly work more hours, or doing more of something just to compensate for the absent parent. That makes a woman less dependent on a man and more independent. But the negative thing about that is, when they ever do find a partner, their mindset is changed and they wouldn't know how to let that man be a man because they was so used to "acting" that. At least that is what I think, I swear that i'm a therapist :)